Laheema Rahvuspark (Laheema National Park) - Estonia, 1999

est-laheema1[pedassaare].jpg (29371 bytes) Erratic boulders on Pedassare peninsula

A juvenile Ural Owl (Strix uralensis) waiting to be fed - Oandu primeval forest

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The entrance to Sagadi (Gutshof Sagad) manor, one of the many German Baltic   estates found in Estonia.

Bleached elk or deer bones, presumably a bear kill - Oandu primeval forest,
Laheema NP

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est-laheema5[lathyrus wsch vernus].jpg (17702 bytes) Lathyrus vernus mostlikely - Laheema NP

flowers, Laheema NP

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House in Altja, Laheema NP

Rural scene in Laheema NP

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Käsmu, an old village near the sea - Laheema NP

Oandu primeval forest  - Laheema NP

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Oandu primeval forest - Laheema NP

Cemetery at Esku - Laheema NP

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Mail boxes at Ilumaë

Laukasoo bog - Laheema NP

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Ledum palustre (marsh tea, wild rosemary) may be found in many places
in the bogs, apparently a good (and much-needed) remedy against mosquitoes

Alvar vegetation near Palmse,  Laheema NP. Alvar is a very thin soil on limestone
supporting a special vegetation of herbaceous plants and juniper bushes,
often stunted 

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Melampyrum nemorosum  (Wood cow-wheat), common throughout eastern
Europe and also on the Alvar soils

Geum rivale (Water or Purple avens) on the alvar soils near Palmse, Laheema NP

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Drosera anglica (Great, Long-leaved or English sundew) in the Laukasoo bogs

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